Dr Sheila Forman psychologist
...she has the mind of a lawyer and the heart of a therapist ...
Insight. Empowerment. Success.
To learn more, go to Dr. Sheila's Shop on www.TAMEYourAppetite.com
Audio Series - MP 3
7 Steps to End Emotional Overeating (1 hour)
7 Habits of Healthy Eating (1 hour)
7 Steps to a Full Life (1hour)
7 Day Emotional Life Transformation (1 hour)
7 Fundamentals For Eliminating Emotional Eating (1 hour)
7 Lessons I’ve Learned About Emotional Eating (1 hour)
Overcoming Obstacles to Healing From Emotional Overeating (6 hours)
Advanced Skills for Managing Your Emotions without Overeating - ( 4 Hours)
Video Programs
Stop Sabotaging Your Diet!
The Non Diet Approach to Ending Emotional Overeating
Manage Your Stress- Manage Your Weight
To learn more, go to Dr. Sheila's Shop on www.TAMEYourAppetite.com
Dr. Sheila Forman (PSY15265) Psychologist
DISCLAIMER: Although Dr. Sheila Forman has a license to practice psychology in the state of California, no psychotherapist-patient relationship, implicit or explicit, is formed because of the use of the information contained in this website, Dr. Forman's books and/or programs.
Copyright. 2022. Dr. Sheila Forman. All Rights Reserved.